Learn more about Google + Features: Circles

We already talk about Google + a social networking launched in 2011, if you missed this article, don´t worry it´s available here, and we also told that you can sign in to Google+ with your current Google account. But If you don´t have a Google account click here. Today we are going to concentrate more about a unique Google plus feature, it called Circles. This feature allow you to put a group of people with whom you want to connect and you want to enjoy their company. Google plus gives you three pre-defined circles: friends, family and acquaintances, that´s give you the opportunity to categorize people, you can put people into more than one circle if you want. What is more you can create your own customized circles, share information with specific groups of people and also chat, hang out with all of them.
How to Create Circles in Google+.
Follow these steps?.
1) Go to the Google+ toolbar its located near the top of your webpage browser. Now, Click on your name or your avatar, and In the box that expands, click "View Profile."
2) When your Google + homepage is open click on the Circles icon in the left-hand toolbar.
3) you see that circles page is open, now drag a friend in your group to create a new circle space. you can drag more than one friend it´s up to you, and you finished to drag friends to your group click create circles.
4)Type in a name for your circle and click "Create circle with # people," and your circle is created and ready to use.
Now, when updating you can select how limited you want to share. You can post an article with theses options:
Public: that´s mean for anyone on the web.
Extended Circles : For everyone in all your circles and everyone in all their circles too.
Your circles : For all of your circles or you can choose a group of circles that´s mean any number of your circles or if you want to a single individual, with this feature you are able to type the person's name or email address and you will send them the equivalent of a private message.
When you create a circle it is unique to you, that´s why putting someone in a circle doesn't mean they'll follow you back, because a circle can be a one-way relationship. In this way, that´s mean you can follow people even if they don't follow you back. I hope you understand how Circles works in Google plus.
VIDEO - This guide shows you how to start using google plus circles. Watch it!
How To Start Using Google Plus Circles by VideojugTechnologyandCars
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More things you need to know about Google

As you know Google Inc, was created by Larry Page, He is the CEO, and Sergey Brin the Co-Founder, If you want to get more details of Google´s History click here. Today Google is growing it has more than 30.000 employees with more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe for example in Europe, Canada. However the main office is in their headquarters in Mountain View, California.

Google Philanthropy
According with Wikipedia Philanthropy etymologically means "love of humanity" in the sense of caring for, nourishing, developing, and enhancing "what it is to be human". With this idea Google created in 2004 a charitable organization, Google.org, This philanthropic institution is working to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donation. The express mission of the organization is to help with the issues of climate change or global warming, global public health, and global poverty. Google support the work of organizations such as following:
ADCOLOR / INROADS / Catalyst / Idea Village / Kaleidoscope Trust / Lime Connect / Out & Equal / Project Hired / Stonewall / Trevor Project
American Advertising Federation - Most Promising Minority Students Program
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI)
Belong To Youth Services
Center for Work Life Policy
Hispanic College Fund (HCF)
Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)
Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
International Science and Engineering Fair
Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA)
Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT)
National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA)
National Center for Women and IT (NCWIT)
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA)
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Inc.
Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA)
Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF)
Transgender Law Center
United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
Zawadi Africa Education Fund
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